I help High Impact Business Owners be the leader their company, team, and family deserve.

Meet Rick

“Prior to working with Rick, I rarely was able to do service work, and I rarely took more than two weeks of vacation per year. After working with Rick I have the margin that I need to regularly do service work, and I have been able to have significant opportunities to recharge; all without impacting client service or firm profitability.”

BryanLaw Firm Founder & Owner 30+ Years

“Rick helped me to re-focus on family through more structured time at work, building a calendar of intentional time to ensure uninterrupted creative cycles for the business.”

AlexEd Tech Founder & CEO 12+ Years

“Rick is great at helping me to see the challenges and barriers that I’m facing; offers actionable solutions; and he holds me accountable on my follow through. I really appreciate his friendship, guidance and support.”

LauraConsulting Firm Founder & Owner

“Rick’s breadth of experience has enabled myself and our team to draw invaluable insight. We wouldn't be where we are without him.”

BrianSerial Entrepreneur

“It’s hard to quantify the impact that Rick has had on our organization. He has introduced us to multiple advisors, investors, employees, and partners, and the skillsets they brought to the table were exactly what we needed then and now.”

NickConsumer Products Company Founder

“Over the past seven years I've seen Rick’s brilliant work with his clients. He helps them create measurable results and level up in life and business. I highly recommend him.”

KaryPublishing Company Owner 10+ Years

“Rick is a great business adviser. We have been experiencing explosive growth. He has helped immensely as I have tried to scale our business. He's insight into interpersonal dynamics has kept me from many pitfalls I would not have seen without his help. He is a master at crafting a corporate culture any business leader would be proud to have.”

MichaelEngineering Firm Owner 12+ Years

“As a leader I am guilty, as many of us are, of being laser-focused on building and growing our businesses. Having Rick’s alternative perspectives from outside the company is invaluable.”

AlexEd Tech Founder & CEO 12+ Years

“I own a profitable law firm. After 30 years of practice, I realized that if I were to continue to practice, I needed to make some significant changes. I retained Rick to assist in figuring it all out. The results were remarkable.”

BryanLaw Firm Founder & Owner 30+ Years

Resources for You

Seven priorities for High Impact Business Owner

Seven Priorities of High Impact Business Owners Series

| Business Owner | No Comments
The Seven Priorities of High Impact Business Owners series is a collection of articles designed to help you be the leader your company, team and family deserve. These Seven Priorities…
Confident CEO Woman on Bench

Are You Intentionally Transitioning From Founder to CEO?

| Entrepreneur | No Comments
If you are a company Founder, you know that every day there are hundreds of things to do, but time only to do one or two well. You need to…
Memorial Day Rick Coplin

Their Sacrifices Secured & Maintained Our Freedom

| Life is Good | No Comments
Memorial Day is set aside to honor those who served our country and died while serving. It's meaning runs deep when family members are among those remembered. Our family has…